
Professional Development Week - Reflective Report

17/10/2022 - 21/10/2022 / Week 8 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Professional Development Week - Reflective Report In Week 8, we are assigned to participate in Professional Development Week for our last semester. I think this is really an interesting and great opportunity to listen some experiences from people that have already worked in the industry for many years. This helps me to develop my understanding of the area that I want to, and also there are a lot of different workshops able to join. I have participated in 7 workshop which are:  1. Working in Entertainment Resort -Preparation and Expectations 2. Life of a Producer in the Video Production Industry" by LOKALAB 3. Storyteller: Lessons from Father of Malaysian Animation Industry" 4. Best Practices in Personal Branding Strategy via LinkedIn 5. Financial Literacy for Fresh Graduates by MAYBANK 6. SHINE Briefing Session 5  7. Entrepreneurship in Restaurant & Catering In

Major Project

30/08/2021 - 29/11/2021 / Week 1 - Week 14 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Major Project / Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Projects INSTRUCTION WEEK 1 We are required to produce a standalone portfolio artefact derived from our dissertations in DIS60304 Design Research Dissertation module or a completely new topic. Mr. Asrizal briefed us that the new topic could be the 17 sustainable development goals or find a client to produce an individual project for them.  There are some advice given by the lecturer : 1. Know the Pros and Cons of your topic, and try to balance your workload based on what you like and what you are good at. 2. Find the target audience of your topic 3. What is the message you want to deliver from your work? 4. Prepare multiple ideas with details and structure. We are required to come out a rough idea which include problem statement, proposed solutions, evidence and references for next week's class. I decided to develop my project with the 17 sustai

Advanced Animation - Final Project

19/11/2021 - 26/11/2021 / Week 13 - Week 14 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Advanced Animation / Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Final Project / Post Production INSTRUCTION WEEK 13 Continuation from project 2, we are to complete the full short animation with polished output that will be composited and edited with voice recording and sound effects. Each shots will be rendered in plates (Foreground, Midground and Background). Title will be added and if there is any motion graphics or 2D animation can be also added in.  There are two weeks left for this semester. Everyone was rushing for this final project. I tried to find a park image that suitable for my animation background. I found a park model from Sketchfab which I think can suit my short animation.  fig 1.0 ;  Park by combine_soldier on Sketchfab Therefore, I exported the angle I want for each scene then added the background using After Effects. Below is my first outcome : fig. 1.1 ; first outcome Lecturer&#

Motion Graphics & Compositing - Project 4

04/11/2021 - 25/11/2021 / Week 11 - Week 14 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Motion Graphics & Compositing / Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Project 4 / Abstract Motion  INSTRUCTION PROJECT 4 Week 11 ( 04/11/2021 ) For this project, we are to create an theme based on abstract motion graphic video that consist a good audio visual say it in 3D/2D, mix media or any experimental visual output that has strong theme. First of all, we need to start with a mood board that reflects the concept/idea, and also storyboard, animatics and explore appropriate audio to uplift the motion tempo. I created a slide for my proposal to show Mr. Fauzi next week.  fig. 1.0 ; proposal I have come out with two idea. The first one is like a website to introduce my best friends, but I feel like it was quite similar with my Project 3. However, another idea is like a lyrics video, it was still very rough yet because I still haven't decide to use which music. Lecturer's Feedback : The

Advanced Animation - Project 2

29/10/2021 - 12/11/2021 / Week 9 - Week 12 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Advanced Animation / Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Project 2 / Production INSTRUCTION WEEK 9 This project is a continuation from project 1. We are required to add in betweens and cleanups for the short animation. Camera's to be altered accordingly and to capture appealing body language and animation that will reflect on the storyboard confirmed.  Below are the list of outputs to be produced: - Animation cleanups - timing, In betweens, Staging, and the necessary 12 principles of animation applied.  - Scene confirmation with camera movements and statics  - Set assets  - Sound effects roughout - Lighting setup Due to rushing for the other module's submission, I only animated the first scene for this week. fig. 1.0 ; first scene Lecturer's Feedback : - Improvise the hand. - Move the camera nearer to the character. - Play with the camera. - Add more anticipation. WEEK 10 According to t

Motion Graphics & Compositing - Project 3

07/10/2021 - 28/10/2021 / Week 7 - Week 10 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Motion Graphics & Compositing / Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Project 3 / Channel Ident/Identity INSTRUCTION LECTURE Week 7 / File Linking : Week 8 / Independent Learning Week  Week 9 / History of Appropriation : Appropriation (art) - Wikipedia Week 10 / Motion Tracking : PROJECT 3 Week 7 ( 07/10/2021 ) For this project, we will synthesise the knowledge gained in Task 1 and 2 for application in Task 3. We are required to continue with previously chosen channel in Task 2 to create a channel ident motion graphic video. As usual, the following week is independent learning week. Mr. Fauzi briefed us about this project, and we are required to create moodboard that reflects the concept/idea, storyboard, animatics and explore appropriate audio to uplift the motion tempo between this two weeks. I prepared a proposal that included Mood Board, Sketch, Storyboard and Animatics in a Google Slide

Motion Graphics & Compositing - Project 2

23/09/2021 - 07/10/2021 / Week 5 - Week 7 Avery Ong Xuan Ting / 0344462 Motion Graphics & Compositing / Bachelors of Design (Hons) in Creative Multimedia Project 2 / Channel Bumper INSTRUCTION LECTURE Week 5 / Animation Techniques : Week 6 / Keying Overview : Week 7 / File Linking : PROJECT 2 Week 5 ( 23/09/2021 ) We are required to demonstrate the ability to explore and generate an abstract channel bumper in any creative approach with consideration of good audio tempo and visually compelling a 10-15 sec video. First of all, we are to use information for any proposed channel (*existing or fictional) create moodboard that reflects to our concept/idea style-guide that conveys final look. The topic I had decided for this project is Baymax from Big Hero 6 (2014). I begin to search a few mood board references from Pinterest before I start the sketching. fig. 1.0 ; references (Pinterest) After deciding the mood board, I start with a few rough sketches in Photoshop. fig. 1.1 ; sket